

Fast delivery, large stainless steel and nickel alloy stocks. Custom cut pieces, plates, bars,tubes..

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Keep control on your costs
JACQUET stores the steel you need

Worldwide delivery in 7 days


JACQUET offer cut pieces and plates in approx. 20 grades ranging from 0.5mm to 150mm


JACQUET offer plates in thicknesses ranging from 2mm to 50mm, cut pieces and round bars in approx. 20 grades

Cut plates

Our cutting capacities (plasma, laser, water jet and sawing) allow high quality finishing touch, tight tolerances and a reliable and fast delivery



JACQUET stocks a wide range of stainless plates in thicknesses from 2 to 150 mm and in widths 1500 to 3000 mm depending on grade

Other services

JACQUET offer a wide range of additional services : polishing, machining, bending, rolling, welding


A unique range of thick stainless steel range and nickel alloys. Complete packages providing, plates and cut pieces according your needs : 7kW laser, 6kW fiber laser, water jet, HD plasma, sawing


Since its establishment in 2019, JACQUET Korea has been specializing in trading as well as stainless steel and nickel alloys cutting.

We have a large amount of inventory to meet the diverse needs of our customers and have plasma cutting equipment to enable us to propose you a global “products + cutting” solution precisely adapted to your needs.

Our location and our installations, as well as JACQUET brand strength, make JACQUET Korea available, responsive, stable and reliable.
In short, a flexible company with the strength of a global brand and the flexibility to respond to local conditions.

Our experienced sales team and factory floor staff will carefully monitor your projects.

Price request, information on our product range, our services, … Write a message to our team and you will get a quick answer.

More information

Download our brochure

JCQuk-brochure PDF


JACQUET Korea’s commitment to ISO 9001:2015 is reflected in the use of certified facilities and procedures.



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